Configuring HipChat for JSD Server

You can configure HipChat to receive automatic notifications of Splunk incidents and to monitor Splunk connectivity to JIRA Service Desk (JSD). After the JSD add-on is configured, you can install the HipChat integration for any room. If you want to send notifications from Splunk, you must create an auth token in HipChat.


Installing the HipChat Integration

  1. Log in to HipChat as an admin.
  2. Create a new room or go to the existing room where you want to monitor your Splunk connectivity with JSD.
  3. On the sidebar, click Add integrations.
  4. Scroll down past the Marketplace listings and click the link to Install an integration from a descriptor URL.
  5. Enter the URL to your JSD add-on descriptor, in the following format:

    <URL of your JSD instance>/rest/controllers/glance/descriptor

    For example, if you access your JSD instance at:, the descriptor URL will be:

    You can test the URL by entering it in a browser address bar. The correct URL will display a JSON file with the information needed to connect your JSD instance with a HipChat room.

  6. Click Install.
    HipChat downloads connection information from your JSD instance. A new item appears on the right sidebar of the room to indicate the status of the Splunk servers connected with your JSD instance.

Creating an API Auth Token

If you want to send notifications to HipChat from Splunk, you must create an API auth token.

  1. In your browser, log in to HipChat as an admin.
  2. Go to Group admin > API.
  3. Create a new token with the following settings:
    • Type — select Notification.
    • Label — enter a descriptive name, such as Splunk.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Copy the auth token you just created.

    You will use this token along with your HipChat URL to set up notifications in Splunk.

Next Steps