Track Activity

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About this Tutorial

You can see every ticket created or updated if you choose to log tracking in the Activity Log.

1 | Turn On Activity Log

Tracking activity does add volume to your Jira database, so we've allowed you to deliberately choose to track your SmartHandler activity or not. You need to do this in the Handler Settings, as we talked about in the Setup Tutorial. You can change this at any time.

We recommend you at least turn on tracking after first setting up and running a new SmartHandler so you can ensure everything is working as you expect it to.


2 | Make Sure the SmartHandler is Running

If the SmartHandler is running, you will see the running man icon next to the handler name. If it is Paused, you can run it by clicking the pause icon. Toggle these icons back and forth to start or stop your handler from running as needed, from any of the sections you are working in.

Paused Mode===Running Mode


3 | Send Email to the Inbox for this Handler

To test this SmartHandler, send some emails formatted in a way that includes the Match Criteria expected, so that Jira tickets will get created or updated. 


4 | View the Activity Log

This is your moment of glory! If everything is running successfully, you will have an Activity Log filling up with entries.

Notice the preview map under the navigation tabs on the left also - that shows you how many tickets have been created or updated and is always on the screen so you can see if the SmartHandler is generating tickets or not.

Clicking on the Issue Key linked in the list will open that Jira ticket so you can see the results.




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