SmartHandler plugin won't enable
I install SmartHandler, but the plugin won't enable. My Jira versions are compatible and my server logs show this error:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory not found by com.forty8fiftylabs.plugins.atlassian.smarthandler_for_mail
There is a known issue with applications that use LDAP, like Crowd. Upon installation, SmartHandler creates a Jira user group called "smart-handler-admin-group" programmatically and by default populates this group with all users in "jira-administrators". The users in this new group have access to see and use the SmartHandler plugin. This allows more control to be given to other groups or users inside of an organization by the Jira admin if desired.
To work around the error you are seeing, I recommend uninstalling the plugin. Create the Jira group "smart-handler-admin-group" manually and add any users you'd like to have access to SmartHandler. Once you reinstall, you should see SmartHandler in your top menu bar.
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