How to Raise a Forty8Fifty Labs Customer Portal Request

This article details the methods to access and raise a request in the Forty8Fifty Labs Customer Portal.

Forty8Fifty Labs Customer Portal

The Forty8Fifty Labs Customer Portal allows customers to track professional services and managed support services ticket progress and provide ticket updates.

Customers will be presented with a pre-defined form to provide specific information based on the type of request for initial submission. Each request will be reviewed, prioritized, and resolved in the order of priority.

Customer Portal:


Emergency After-Hours Support1.877.686.4375

All methods above will result in the creation of a request in the Forty8Fifty Labs Customer Portal.

How to Access the Forty8Fifty Labs Customer Portal

To access the Forty8Fifty Labs Support Portal, open a browser and navigate to

Log in with an Existing Forty8Fifty Labs Customer Portal user account

Log in to the Forty8Fifty Labs Customer Portal by selecting the Login button at the top right of the page.

Enter the email address associated with your account and select the Next button. Enter your password associated with your account and select the Log in button.

Raising a Forty8Fifty Labs Customer Portal Request

Select the appropriate Service Desk available in the left navigation menu and then choose the Available Services category based on the type of request.

(lightbulb)   Request fields marked with the (Optional) label are helpful but not mandatory.

(lightbulb)   Request fields without the (Optional) marking are mandatory.

Select the Create button at the bottom of the dialog box to complete the submission of the request.

If there is additional information to include that will be helpful to troubleshoot the issue or further detail your request, you may choose to add comments or attachments.

You may share tickets with other existing customer portal users in your organization by selecting Add Participant. As a participant, the user will receive email updates on the ticket progress and a notification when the ticket has been resolved.

Tracking & Updating Submitted Requests

When logged into the customer portal, users will be able to view their own submitted requests by selecting the avatar in the top right of the page and selecting My requests.

A list of Open Requests are displayed with related details such as the Reference number, Summary, and Status. To navigate to the details of a specific request or add updates such as comments and/or attachments, select the Reference number or Summary link.

You may filter submitted requests by which you are a participant (Shared with Me), by a specific status, or by a specific request type.

(lightbulb)   Helpful Information

How the priority of requests are determined

Priority Matrix


(incidents only)

← Impact → 


(incidents & service requests)



Severity and Priority are both calculated on incidents based on the Impact values submitted on the customer portal request.

Priority is calculated for service requests based on Impact and Urgency values submitted on the customer portal request.

How to search for specific requests

The search bar is currently limited to the Reference ID and the Summary of a request. Also, this search functionality uses full word searching only.

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